Toilet Training

At Children’s Autism Center, our evidence-based toilet training program is adapted from the guidelines set by Foxx & Azrin and focuses on teaching independent initiations rather than “schedule training”. Before implementing toilet training procedures, learners must meet certain pre-requisite skills in order to ensure success during training. While all training is done in the clinic setting, generalization into the home and community is programmed for and done through parent training. Once toilet training is completed, further skills such as independence in the bathroom is programmed for. 

To learn more about toilet training at Children’s Autism Center, please contact us.


Based on your child’s needs, feeding programs are done through ABA services or Speech and are determined based on medical and feeding evaluations done with collaboration with your doctor, BCBA, SLP and family. Feeding programs can include:

  • increasing food variety
  • texture and taste aversions
  • independent eating skills
  • use of straws or cups
  • swallowing difficulties (gagging or chewing issues)
  • aversions of liquids
  • refusal of foods
  • inappropriate mealtime behaviors

To learn more about feeding at Children’s Autism Center, please contact us.